Document Data Solutions (DDS) iDataPrint™ print wing provides up to 8” of continuous print width for industrial, cardboard boxes or web press applications. Up to four 8” printheads can be combined with a single controller for 32” of continuous print width. Utilizing the flexibility of HP technology and the vast variety of available inks and ink colors allows you the ability to place text, barcodes or graphics on a variety of material.
The variety of available iDataPrint™ printhead sizes (1/2”, 2”, 4” & 8”) give you the ability to add variable data printing for a variety of applications. Whether your requirements are for printing paper on a web press, wood, cardboard, Styrofoam, shingles or other material, DDS technology and the variety of available printheads give you greater flexibility and can help reduce your overall cost and processing time.
Our iDataPrint™ Layout Designer software is one of the tools that sets us apart from the competition. This Windows™ based software with our, “What you see is what you get”, feature is easy to learn and operate.
A DDS iDataPrint™ Vision system can be added downstream to ensure print quality and/or barcode readability.
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