To be competitive in today’s volatile print services business means you must embrace change. The equipment and methods used for generations are still in demand, but are viewed by customers as a commodity. To prospective customers one print provider often seems as good as the next. Your salespeople need to offer capabilities that distinguish them from the competition. That means variable data printing.
The traditional presses on your production floor represent a significant investment. You’ve got an established workflow and finishing equipment to handle the printed output. There’s no reason to abandon those assets and adopt a completely new digital printing platform unless you’ve got the business to support such a move. Why not keep those reliable presses and just add variable data printing to your existing operation?
Similar to many print service providers across the country, American Litho faced the challenge of how to implement variable data printing. They worked with Document Data Solutions to integrate inkjet print heads, high-volume ink reservoirs, software, and controllers to solve this problem. They preserved their core production practices and continued to utilize their existing presses. American Litho is now applying full-color variable data information and images to campaign runs from 100 pieces up to millions with the hybrid system. Read about their experience here.
A tailor-made hybrid printing solution expands the portfolio of products your sales force can promote while preserving your investment in traditional equipment. It’s the best of both worlds.
Advantages of Hybrid Printing
- Inkjet made simple – Print heads start up and shut down in less than 5 minutes. Hybrid systems enable high uptime and productivity. You can begin production quicker.
- Extends equipment life – Leverage your current investments in web presses and finishing technology by integrating hybrid print technology.
- Retains offset strengths – Continue printing integrated cards, perforated coupons, foils, metallic or fluorescent colors, UV coating, heavier weight stocks, etc.
- Low cost – Hybrid is the most cost effective method of printing large jobs containing both static and variable information
- Minimal touch points – Paper moves through the press to VDP inkjet to in-line finishing equipment, and into USPS mail trays
With help from DDS, American Litho extended the life of their equipment and set themselves apart from the competition. They improved productivity (and therefore profit margins) while simultaneously giving their sales force a tool they are using to retain existing customers and attract new business. To talk about how your company can enjoy a similar result, contact us here at DDS. We’ll be happy to discuss your unique configuration and suggest options for improvements.